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OCAD ID  MSc Architectural Lighting Design

Providing dynamic lighting solutions for spaces, emphasizing quality, safety and efficiency, with an endless fascination of form enhancement & well-being.

Pordis has worked on lighting projects and hands-on installation of lighting systems since 2004. Prior to joining Arup in Shanghai, Pordis was employed at electric engineering office Verkís. Providing services to a range of projects for the national building establishment to be verified to high efficiency building standard BREEAM, projects include education and other government planned buildings. Pordis also lead several projects for the hospitality and private sector with clients such as; Apple Scandinavia and the famed Blue Lagoon Spa & geothermal retreat in Iceland. In China, projects include industrial development sites and mixed use commercial and residential with Arup Architects Shanghai, JWDA Architects Shanghai and hospitality projects with NWDCL, KPF architects NY, Tsao&McKown, Neri + Hu to name a few collaborating project teams. Initially trained as Industrial Designer, Pordis carries experience from Toronto based Umbra Ltd., designing and interacting with international manufacturers. Whereas participating in education has been an important factor of developing as an individual and as professional. Lecturing at various occasions, writing papers for publishing and lecturing at SSL China Shenzhen 2015.

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